Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Benefits of BONE BROTH & How You Can Make It!

The Headlines:

It's Nature's Multi-Vitamin. 

The healthiest thing you're NOT EATING.

Let's change that.

This world has come a long way.  We've gone to the moon, invented the internet, heck we mass produce ice cream in the form of little tiny dots.  But sometimes it's nice to go back to the beginning.  Hundreds and hundreds of years ago some woman used the bones of the cow that her husband slaughtered for their family and made soup.  It wasn't only good but it held the key to pure and total health.  

Not long ago, I wrote an article on my 10 year old daughter... who is recovering from a horrible drug that was supposed to make her feel better.   It's a long story that many of you read.  Thank you by the way.  If you haven't I encourage you to do so HERE.  It's my most popular post so far and I can't tell you how happy that makes me.  I make no money on my blog.  Not a cent, just ask the husband.  So it makes me proud for the simple reason that it's chalk full of important information that I know will help others.

Anyhow, because of that post many people emailed/messaged me.  Including a college friend of mine who told me, in my quest to heal my little girl, I should also be feeding her Bone Broth.  She lives in Southern California where it's become all the rage.


You can buy it in Malibu for $8.50 in a small sized to go cup (gulp) or you can make it yourself.  More on that later.

My friend uses it to aid in her "Leaky Gut Syndrome" which is a real thing, I promise.  So I looked into it more and Bone Broth really is an all-powerful elixir.  No wonder everyone in NYC and LA are doing it... It aids in overcoming intolerances and allergies, detoxification, brain development, boosting the immune system, better sleep, more energy, helps your joints/muscles/bones development - and yes ladies - collagen production!  

How Does It Work? 
The bones of heathy, grass fed, organic animals carry minerals and nutrients that we can't get to unless we boil and then simmer those special ingredients out of them!  It's not enough to just eat the meat around them... you have to suck the extra GOOD STUFF straight out.

Drinking bone broth puts anti-oxidants, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and electrolytes in your body like magnesium, collagen, glucosamine, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, potassium, gelatin, arginine and more.  The problem is, typically, many of the aforementioned items are hard for the human body to absorb... consumption through broth makes it possible.

I heard it said that Bone Broth is Nature's Multi-vitamin.  That seems like an accurate description.


I know what you're thinking... I'll just buy some organic broth at the store.  You can't.  My acupuncturist says, even organic, store bought doesn't even come close to what you make in the kitchen.  He says, you may as well just drink water.  So let's get started.

Here's What You Need:
1-2 lbs of Organic, grass fed cow bones (found at most grocery stores today - about $8 per/lb)
Filtered water
Carrots (organic)
Celery (organic)
1 large Onion
Non-iodized Salt (himalayan salt, )
Apple Cider Vinegar
Powdered Collagen (optional)

Here's What You Do:
Put bones in water with 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and bring to a boil.  Remove scum and transfer to crock pot.  Add coarsely chopped vegetables, salt and pepper and 1 tablespoon of collagen if you choose.  The whole thing takes maybe 15 minutes.

Keep on low setting for at least 48 hours... up to 72.

Could it BE any easier?

Once it's finished, strain bones from broth and keep in fridge to re-use (at least 1 to 2 more times).  Now you can either choose to strain everything from the broth or keep the veggies and extras in there.  After it cools place in fridge and/or freezer.

Also, you can sip some along the way and just refill with water but the best benefits come the longer the potion sits and simmers.

How Does It Taste?
That probably depends on who you ask.  My 10 year old likes it, my 5 year old doesn't.  My friends husband won't touch it.  My husband has it every morning.  I like it but I don't love it.  Maybe you should decide for yourself.  Two words of caution, my first batch was darn right yummy.  When I added the collagen it took a bit of that "yumminess" away.  Plus, I HATED when I tried doing it with chicken bones.  I threw it out.  

I know it's voo-doo sounding, as BP (the husband) likes to call it.  But in the same breath he now touts how amazing it is... all the "voo-doo" we do and have mentioned on this blog like Himalayan Salt LampsFERTILITY - How to Get Pregnant When Doctors say You Can't and of course Healing Your Child from A Prescription Pill  - REALLY WORKS.  It just does.

As I always say, I'm not a doctor but there's certainly nothing harmful about Broth.  If you're interested in reading more about the Benefits of Bone Broth - I got much of my information HERE.    Hey, if it helps me with wrinkles, my daughter with her nut allergy and my husband with his aching joints - SOLD.

Finally, tonight, I believe we, as a people hear things when we want to hear them.  It's how we survive in this information dense world we live in.  The other day I walked into my acupuncturist's office (whom I LOVE and respect by the way) - Robert Koagedal - with Acuheath in Scottsdale, AZ.  Find him HERE.  I told him, "Hey, I'm making Bone Broth" to which he chuckled and replied, "I've only mentioned that to you about 10 times!"

The benefits of Bone Broth go deep. So, hear me now... or when you're ready.  And take that plunge.

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