Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Be Merry...

The Headlines:

This is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.


It's busy.  Everyone is running around trying to do last minute shopping.  People are preparing their holiday parties, deciding what to wear, wrapping things, kids are anticipating, hoping… maybe even peeking a bit!  There is a lot to do this time of year… so much that sometimes we forget the most important thing(s).  This past Sunday BP (the husband) asked if we were going to church?  I answered, "I'm not sure we can… we have so much to do…"  to which he replied, "we can go to church!"  Yes, if you're a Christian - the important thing coming up is that it's Jesus' Birthday on Thursday, December 25th.  That's huge.  If you're not - the general reminder still applies to you: Be MERRY!

Remember that?  Holly and Jolly?  Happy and Healthy?  It's time to enjoy the fruits of your 2014 labor!     So why is that so easy to forget?  In my household… we haven't even done the yearly trek around the neighborhood looking at the beautiful Christmas lights.  Yep, for many of us, it's just too easy to get wrapped up in all that is - this time of year.

I even have a permanent stiff neck this week.  I'm not sure it's fully going away until AFTER Christmas… when I get my massage.  But perhaps I'll get a respite when I settle in tonight after I've done as much as I can with the day… have a glass of wine and take my kids to bed.  Yep, those little guys can keep you on edge or they can get you to chill with the flash of a sweet smile.  Lately, all it takes for me... reading this:
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
(as read by me & Savy - but mostly my little girl!)


Hooo hooooo hoooo…. he's got some lungs on him, huh?  Sorry for the shaky camera work.  In the middle of that read my son decided it was time to take off his night clothes.  I was trying to get him to put them back on.  It didn't really work.  We had to change entirely when we finished the book.  He said they were itchy.

Bottom line, it is a beautiful, special and incredibly magical holiday... especially if you're blessed enough to be surrounded by children!  Especially if you're not hosting a huge Christmas Eve Party, ha.  Please enjoy some, if not all, parts of the day… the week… the rest of the month.  Hmmmmmm… maybe I should hire a caterer next year?  Sure.  Yes, my friends, Be Merry!  Be very very Merry!

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