Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Warm up & Slim down w/ Broccoli Soup!

The Headlines:

It's coooooooold!

Make this HOT and healthy Broccoli Soup.

There are 5 Ingredients!

Yea, I know it doesn't look like much but TRUST me on this one...  it's kind of a miracle soup.  Add it to your food line up this week!

This simple broccoli soup came from a true Italian-American who lives in Connecticut.  She's been making this for years.  When she visits her grand-daughter down in North Carolina she makes it and about 10 other things.  Yes,  she's that amazing grandmother who cooks/bakes non-stop while visiting.  I never had one of those… but one can dream.  If only she would visit me.  Anyways,  I had this soup when we were in North Carolina with my sister-n-law with that fabulous Grandmother of hers and it was good.  Like REALLY good.  Which to me was so weird since there's like, honestly, nothing to it!

Right.  5 ingredients makes up this puppy.  6 if you count the water.

Here's what you need:
  1. broccoli  3 - 4  heads
  2. package of pasta, whichever type you choose
  3. can of chicken broth
  4. olive oil
  5. salt
  6. water
Here's what you do:
Fill a large pot half way with water.  Add salt.  Boil it.  Then add the broccoli (cleaned and cut into as small a pieces as you want in your soup) and boil about 12-15 minutes.  Strain the broccoli out (keeping the now light green water in the pot) and put it on stand-by.  It will look bright and beautiful!

Next, pour the broth in the water and bring to a boil again.  Add pasta and cook.  I actually didn't use the entire pasta package, it seemed like too much, but that's up to you.  I also added some more salt at this time.

Then when the pasta is done add 3 tablespoons or a little more of olive oil to the pot...
pour the broccoli back in and serve!  It feeds about 5-6 people.  Depending on portions and how much broccoli or pasta you use.

Sometimes there's not enough liquid to this soup when you're finished... so I just throw some more water in.  Maybe a little extra salt.  Seriously, just wing it.  It always tastes good!

***The other fabulous thing about this soup - it's very filling.  You eat a bowl and you're stuffed!  Not to mention, the cooked broccoli also sort of helps clean ya out… if you know what I mean.  Broccoli will do that you!  Therefore, it's the perfect meal for the start of the New Year!

I gave a bowl to my daughter this week, she had a couple bites, turned around and said "mom, it's stunning!"  I'm actually not kidding.  I had to ask her to repeat what she said because I was so confused.  My 2 year old son also ate it… after it cooled off quite a bit.  See, a miracle soup for so many reasons!

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